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  • TAKING TERRY: MM Shifter MPREG Gay Romance (The Alpha To His Omega Book 1)

TAKING TERRY: MM Shifter MPREG Gay Romance (The Alpha To His Omega Book 1) Read online

  Taking Terry

  The Alpha To His Omega Series

  Bonnar King



  About the Author

  Book Description

  1. Chapter 1: Terry

  2. Chapter 2: Terry

  3. Chapter 3: Tucker

  4. Chapter 4: Terry

  5. Chapter 5: Terry

  6. Chapter 6: Tucker

  7. Chapter 7: Terry

  8. Chapter 8: Tucker

  9. Chapter 9: Terry

  10. Chapter 10: Tucker

  11. Chapter 11: Terry

  12. Chapter 12: Terry

  13. Chapter 13: Terry

  14. Chapter 14: Terry



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  About the Author

  Bonnar King is an exciting new author of gay romance. Specifically MPREG and shifter M/M romance.

  Every since he was a child, he’s been obsessed with the paranormal and shifters. Later in life, he discovered the delights of M/M love, and his world was forever changed.

  Now, Bonnar combines his love for hot alpha guys and the paranormal, to write steamy romances, partially based on real life experiences!

  Copyright © 2017 by Bonnar King

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Book Description

  When Terry, an unlucky in love, and shy omega takes on a new work assignment for his magazine, writing about the mysterious and handsome Tucker, he has no idea that Tucker is a wolf shifter.

  Terry's plans of not falling in love with any more trouble-making hot guys, and just concentrating on his career are soon derailed when he meets Terry and is immediately attracted to him.The attraction is mutual, but Tucker is afraid his alpha male nature might scare Terry away.

  Tucker is overwhelmed with his deep attraction and connection with Terry, and suspects that he may have even imprinted on him. Now, Tucker is determined to win Terry over, trying his best to put his bad boy past behind him, and prove to Terry that he can be a gentleman. However, that will be more difficult than he anticipates, due his Wolf nature getting the better of him at the worst of times.

  This is a standalone M/M Gay Shifter Romance with a HEA, featuring MPREG (male pregnancy) and adult situations.

  Author's note: The books in the Alpha To His Omega series can be read in any order.

  Chapter 1: Terry

  “Get the fuck out!” I yelled at Steve as I pointed furiously to the door.

  “You’re being serious right now?” Steve responded, tilting his head back to see me while still sitting on my couch.

  I couldn’t believe the nerve of this asshole.

  “Yes, you’re goddamn right, I’m serious. Take your shit and leave my apartment. I don’t want you here,” I yelled back.

  I wanted to be the calm and cool one here, but his laid-back and casual behavior was pissing me off way too much to be Zen about this now. I caught him cheating, and saw it with my own eyes, and yet he still tried to play it off like it was no big deal, just sitting there, eating my cereal, and watching my TV. In fact, the son of a bitch was also wearing my T-shirt too and had stretched it out so much that I’d never be able to wear it.

  “Come on, Terry. It was just a bit of drunken fun. Nothing serious,” Steve said, smiling at me, which only enraged me even more.

  I gritted my teeth and tried to speak as calmly as possible, which was proving to be more and more difficult with every passing moment of this asshole and his shit-eating grin.

  I walked up to him from the across the room. “What the fuck do you mean ‘a bit of drunken fun’? You were getting your dick sucked by Andy, and you fucking know how much I hate that guy. He was always flirting with you, and I told you to stay away from him.”

  Steve stood up and placed a hand on my waist. Then he looked into my eyes seductively and flashed that smile. That smile that he knew was ever-reliable, get out of jail free card. The bastard knew my kryptonite, but I wasn’t going to let him sweet talk himself out of this one. I held my breath and waited for his explanation.

  He smiled and gave it to me. “It was just the tip.”

  “You are fucking unbelievable!” I yelled out once again totally losing my shit.

  “What? It was just the tip. It wasn’t like I fucked him yet,” Steve replied.

  “YET? Yet? So, you were planning on fucking him in MY own apartment, while I was away at work?” I barked.

  “Sorry, poor choice of words babe,” said Steve, shrugging his shoulders.

  I always hated confrontations, but Steve had pissed me off so much that I got in his face and started to yell. I probably didn’t look very intimidating, being a skinny 5 feet and 8 inches, next to his 6 feet of jock asshole, but I was adamant to get my word in and be done with this asshole once and for all.

  “This isn’t the first time you’ve done things like this, and if I just forgive you like I always have, I know you will just continue doing this shit. I’ve carried your bum ass for years, hoping that you’d finally get your shit together and make something of yourself,” I yelled.

  Steve put his hands on my waist once again. “Babe, you know I have writer's block, and I can’t—”

  I pushed his hands away. “Oh, no you don’t. Not that shit again! Every single time this discussion comes up you always give me that bullshit about writer’s block, but all you do all day is play video games, watch TV, lift weights, and jerk off. Oh, and get your dirty dick sucked by sluts like Andy, while I’m at work killing myself to support us both. So NO! You don’t have writer's block. You’re just a cheating asshole who’s only sorry because he got caught.”

  “Babe, please. I love you,” Steve begged.

  I looked at him with disgust. “Love? I don’t even think you know what that word means. You just throw it around like it’s just some magic word you can use to get treated nicely by me.”

  “Terry, we have so much history. How can you just throw it away like this?” Steve asked.

  “Me, throwing it away? Are you for real? I’ve been faithful to you forever, while you just use me like a doormat and take me for granted.”

  “It’s not my fault, the city has too many cute guys, they keep forcing themselves on me, and giving me attention and tempting me,” Steve argued.

  “Oh, boo-hoo! Poor baby. Are you fucking kidding me with this bullshit right now? Too many temptations? What the fuck does that mean? I love donuts, but that doesn’t mean I’ll eat a dozen donuts every time I walk passed a fucking Dunkin Donuts. You have no willpower, and that’s on you, not me,” I yelled.

  I knew every angle Steve would try to argue. He wasn’t being clever or unique with his arguments. If I let him, he’d probably go on about how gay relationships are different from straight ones, and therefore have different rules for what counts as cheating. All nonsense, of course.

  We stood in silence for what seemed like minutes. I was now a lot calmer, and no longer seething.

  I looked over at Steve. “You’ve broken my heart one too many times, and we can’t come back from that. I will always remember the good times we’ve had, but I can’t continue to live my life like this. I need to do what’s best for me now.
I can’t believe we were thinking about raising a child together. You definitely aren’t ready for that sort of responsibility, and it feels like I’ve already been raising a child in the form of you!”

  “But where will I go? How will I survive?” Steve asked, looking distraught.

  I placed my hand on his shoulder. “Steve, I’m not completely heartless, so I’ve already spoken to your mom, told her about our break-up, and she told me herself, to send your lazy ass back to her so she could talk some sense into you.”

  “Oh god. No. Shit, I can’t go and live with my mom. That’s super lame!” Steve said, panicking.

  “What hurts me right now, is that you actually thought that you could carry on living this way forever, and everything was going be just fine. You need to get a grip on reality, and I really think that having to provide for yourself will kick you out of your rut, and help you actually get back to writing. You became too comfortable, which made you lazy.”

  “I can’t argue with that. You may be right, but can’t you just give me once more chance, and I promise I’ll start looking for a day job to help out, and I’ll write at night and weekends,” Steve said, sheepishly.

  Maybe this was another desperate attempt to keep a hold of his cushy little living situation I’d so foolishly provided for him.

  I walked over to the door and opened it. I looked back at Steve, giving him a slight nod, letting him know that it was time for him to leave now. He reluctantly began walking towards the door and then stopped next to me.

  “So, this is it then? We’re really over?” Steve said as he looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

  “Yes, Steve. This is it. You know deep down that this is for the best. But before you go, I want you to know that I don’t hate you. I’m just disappointed in you, and not because of the Andy thing.”

  “Then what?” asked Steve.

  “I’m heartbroken actually, because here I was after graduation, killing myself to get job interviews, but you had so many job offers, all of which you turned down because you decided to be a full-time writer. You had such a gift with words, and you just chose to squander it. When we were in college, you were just a natural, unlike anything I had ever seen before. It was like you didn’t even need to try, and you’d always write the most amazing stories, and had the most beautiful mind that I’d ever known. That’s what made me fall in love with you. But somewhere along the way, you just lost that part of you. I don’t know if you peaked too early in life, or that I made you get lazy by letting you stay in my apartment rent-free for years, but I want you to find that guy again. Steve, that guy was going to light the world up and make a difference.”

  Steve looked down at his feet and let my words sink it. “Terry, I promise I will be that guy for you again. I can change.”

  “I don’t need you to change for me, Steve. I need you to do this for yourself. Just because our romantic relationship is over, it doesn’t mean that I’ll never speak to you again, or stop caring about you. We were friends before we ever dated, and we have all the same friends from college. Just promise me you’ll stop wasting your time, and actually go out there and create,” I said, with tears rolling down my face.

  “I promise. Thanks, Terry,” Steve said, as he hugged me.

  I hugged him back. A stark contrast to the yelling and screaming I was doing just a few minutes earlier, but I knew we had to work through it to get here. I was happy that Steve had listened to me. I genuinely did hope that he’d get his act together and make something of himself.

  We finished hugging, and I ushered Steve out of the door.

  Steve paused while in the doorway. “What about your T-shirt?”

  I smiled back at him. “You keep the shirt, it won’t fit me now, anyway.”

  Steve smiled back at me before turning and walking away. I closed the door and then looked back at my empty apartment. I hadn’t been alone in the apartment for many years. I had even forgotten what it was like to have a place all to myself.

  I was absolutely exhausted and drained of energy. Both mentally and physically. However, I was glad that I had finally broken up with Steve. The relationship had turned toxic for both of us, and I truly believed that the break-up was the best thing for both of us. It would allow us to grow as people.

  From this day forward, I vowed that I would get some long overdue ‘me’ time, and no more hot guys to distract me for a while, while I got my shit together. Starting right now, with a much needed, long, relaxing soak in my bathtub.

  Chapter 2: Terry

  Weeks had passed since breaking up with Steve, and I’d be lying if I said that it was all positive. I had thrown myself into my work to fill the empty hours of my day. I knew I didn’t want Steve back, but I did miss having another warm body to cuddle me at night. I had to be strong though. I didn’t want to rebound onto another guy or call Steve up in a moment of weakness.

  Lucky for me, I had just the thing to distract me from my train wreck of a love life. I had a new assignment, which I was very excited about because this would be the first time I had been trusted to write an article about something I had chosen for the gay lifestyle magazine I worked for. I was eager to prove to my boss just how good of a writer I was. I needed this to be perfect.

  I drove my Jeep over to the shoulder, heading off towards the exit. The Arizona sunlight shone through the area, making me feel slightly sleepy, but I wasn’t going to turn in just yet. Definitely not on the side of the road where any weirdo could just attack me. I knew better than that.

  After all, I had an interview to do with a high-profile local celebrity, who was doing a lot for charities. Sure, I could have just watched videos and read up about him online, but that wouldn’t be authentic and would be totally lazy. I needed to hear things from the horse’s mouth, so to speak. I didn’t want any second-hand, and unreliable information. I wanted to know the real man. I wanted to get to the nitty gritty and even dig up some dirt if I could. More importantly, I needed to get out of the city and actually see some nature for a change. I needed a change of scenery.

  When I saw the sign for Lone Wolf Ranch up ahead, I knew this was it. His name was Tucker Grant, an ex-bull riding champion, and now an accomplished cowboy and ranch hand in the area, because he had a way with animals—they just seemed to bend to his command and comply with his every wish. I heard he was one of the best, and I was dying for an interview.

  I didn’t really know much about the subject of cowboys and what they were like. I only knew what I saw in the movies and TV and that they were pretty sexy and rugged, but that was just my stereotype of these men coming through. I knew not to believe everything I saw on TV. This man was probably going to be some tough jock type, who doesn’t care what he looks like. Not that I was judging him before meeting him—I was no prize myself. I hadn’t been eating right or stepped into a gym in years, and my skinny body was what I had to show for it, but at least I still had a little bubble-butt, which some guys still liked about me. I kept promising myself every year that I’d start my diet and begin working out again, but I would always find excuses not to do any of it.

  I stopped in front of the home, seeing a figure off in the distance on the porch. I checked my hair, seeing a couple rogue strands of hair that just refused to obey me, and I started to push them down hastily.

  “I hate the hot air around here,” I said to myself. That was the problem with Arizona. It was always hot, and that meant I had to cope with frizzy hair, sweat, and chafing as well.

  My weary body stepped out of the Jeep, and I worked to fix my shirt and pants, which were riding up my butt. I wore skinny jeans that showed off my toned and long legs—I wanted to make a good impression, but now I realized that was a mistake in this heat and the long car journey, but I wanted to look good—my tight ass sat perfectly in my jeans, and the shirt that I wore hugged my chest tightly, showing off my skinny, yet toned torso.

  I moved up the dirt pathway with my laptop bag in hand, ready for the interview. However,
when I stopped in front of the porch, I immediately felt my face start to flush. It wasn’t just because of the hot air either, it was because of the shirtless god right in front of me.

  Holy fuck, he was so hot! He had dark hair and piercing blue eyes that were as blue as the ocean itself, and wide enough that made him look boyish and innocent. His jaw was so defined and masculine, with a hint of a short beard which was more like slightly longer stubble. It suited him because it made him look even more rugged and handsome. God help me. How was I ever going to get any work done looking at him?

  He stood up, approaching me with a smile, and immediately, I felt all eyes on me. Here he was—a real life cowboy, with cowboy boots and all!

  “Hello there. You must be Terry, right?” He asked, his eyes immediately gazing over my body.

  I should have felt uncomfortable with him scanning my body in this way, but I actually felt excited. My heart was beginning to race.

  “Yes, that’s me,” I replied, flushing as his eyes glanced warmly towards me.

  “Well, you know me. I’m Tucker Grant. I was told you wanted to interview me to find out about my career and my charity work. IS that right?” he asked.

  “I sure do,” I said, blushing at my sudden forwardness. I couldn’t help it.

  He was shirtless, so I got a great look at his six-pack, broad shoulder, strong masculine arms and defined chest muscles. His body was glistening with obvious sweat from working on the ranch. His muscles were worn from the work he did, which made my boxers very tight and uncomfortable for me. His tight pants accentuated the package clearly within it, and when he turned his body slightly as he walked over to me, I could see his tight, muscular butt that was threatening to rip those pants.